The young male Bengal tiger cub, named Moka, that had been brought to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officers underwent emergency surgery yesterday. The cub, who has been closely monitored by animal care staff since his arrival, had very recently shown increased signs of ill health. Imaging studies indicated a serious health concern arising from intestinal adhesions. A specialist, Josh Jackson DVM, DACVS, from Veterinary Specialty Hospital was called in, and an emergency surgery was performed to correct the malformations.
Moka came through the procedure well and is currently under continued care and observation at the Paul Harter Veterinary Clinic at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Veterinarians indicate that the intestinal adhesions and hernia are consistent with complications that could occur as the result of previous trauma or infection and are likely related to the circumstances that brought him to the attention of wildlife officers. Moka was rescued on August 23, 2017 by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers, who found the cub while inspecting a vehicle that was entering the U.S. from Mexico.
Please take a moment to wish Moka a speedy recovery. Thanks for your support.